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Hey there, you are not logged in with your Member Zone Credentials. If you are a member of the USCG Auxiliary Mt. Vernon Flotilla, log in now so that you can access and review the meeting materials. The Member Zone login area is near the bottom-left of your screen.

If you don't know your Member Zone password, or don't have one, you can get it from the
Member Zone password page.

Our next Flotilla meeting is at the Mount Vernon Yacht Club: 4817 Tarpon Lane, Alexandria, VA 22309 on the Third Thursday at 1800 hours (6:00 p.m.)

Remember, you can park directly in front of the Mount Vernon Yacht Club but DO NOT PARK on the opposite side of the cul-de-sac because it tends to clog normal ingress & egress. If the gate is open, go on through to park back there.

1800 - 1900 : "Workshop"

1900 - 1930 : Fellowship & Refreshments

1930 - 2030 : Business meeting
In preparation for meaningful discussion and informed voting at the next meeting, please review the minutes and financial report(s) from last meeting, as well as any other materials provided below.

Note: When viewing multiple files in a Google Drive folder view, press "v" on your keyboard to view them in a list (rather than in a grid.)
Please log in using your Member Zone credentials to view meeting materials.

To access historical meeting materials and other flotilla documents, go to the Flotilla Docs page.